Output formats¶
In this version of InterProScan, you can retrieve output in any of the following five formats:
TSV: A simple tab-delimited file format
XML: The InterProScan XML format (XSD available here).
JSON: Full output of results in JSON format
InterProScan 5 can output results for protein and nucleotide sequences in all formats. Please note you can only trace protein match positions to the original nucleotide sequence with GFF3, XML and JSON outputs.
You can override the default output formats using the -f option, e.g.:
./interproscan.sh -f XML -f JSON -i /path/to/sequences.fasta -b /path/to/output_file
./interproscan.sh -f XML, JSON -i /path/to/sequences.fasta -b /path/to/output_file
These two equivalent commands will output the results in XML and JSON format.
Tab-separated values format (TSV)¶
Basic tab delimited format. Outputs only those sequences with domain matches.
Example output¶
P51587 14086411a2cdf1c4cba63020e1622579 3418 Pfam PF09103 BRCA2, oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding, domain 1 2670 2799 7.9E-43 T 15-03-2013
P51587 14086411a2cdf1c4cba63020e1622579 3418 ProSiteProfiles PS50138 BRCA2 repeat profile. 1002 1036 0.0 T 18-03-2013 IPR002093 BRCA2 repeat GO:0005515|GO:0006302
P51587 14086411a2cdf1c4cba63020e1622579 3418 Gene3D G3DSA: 2966 3051 3.1E-52 T 15-03-2013
The TSV format presents the match data in columns as follows:
Protein accession (e.g. P51587)
Sequence MD5 digest (e.g. 14086411a2cdf1c4cba63020e1622579)
Sequence length (e.g. 3418)
Analysis (e.g. Pfam / PRINTS / Gene3D)
Signature accession (e.g. PF09103 / G3DSA:
Signature description (e.g. BRCA2 repeat profile)
Start location
Stop location
Score - is the e-value (or score) of the match reported by member database method (e.g. 3.1E-52)
Status - is the status of the match (T: true)
Date - is the date of the run
InterPro annotations - accession (e.g. IPR002093)
InterPro annotations - description (e.g. BRCA2 repeat)
GO annotations with their source(s), e.g. GO:0005515(InterPro)|GO:0006302(PANTHER)|GO:0007195(InterPro,PANTHER). This is an optional column; only displayed if the
option is switched onPathways annotations, e.g. REACT_71. This is an optional column; only displayed if the
option is switched on
If a value is missing in a column, for example, the match has no InterPro annotation, a ‘-‘ is displayed.
Extensible Markup Language (XML)¶
XML representation of the matches - this is the richest form of the data. The XML Schema Definition (XSD) file links are below the example output.
Example output¶
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<protein-matches xmlns="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/resources/schemas/interproscan5" interproscan-version="5.26-65.0">
<xref id="P51587"/>
<hmmer3-match score="341.9" evalue="0.0">
<signature name="BRCA-2_helical" desc="BRCA2, helical" ac="PF09169">
<entry type="DOMAIN" name="BRCA2_hlx" desc="Breast cancer type 2 susceptibility protein, helical domain" ac="IPR015252">
<go-xref category="BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS" name="double-strand break repair via homologous recombination" id="GO:0000724" db="GO"/>
<go-xref category="MOLECULAR_FUNCTION" name="single-stranded DNA binding" id="GO:0003697" db="GO"/>
<go-xref category="BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS" name="DNA recombination" id="GO:0006310" db="GO"/>
<model name="BRCA-2_helical" desc="BRCA2, helical" ac="PF09169"/>
<signature-library-release version="27.0" library="PFAM"/>
<hmmer3-location env-start="2479" env-end="2667" hmm-end="195" hmm-start="1" evalue="9.6E-102" score="0.0" end="2667" start="2479"/>
<superfamilyhmmer3-match evalue="0.0">
<signature name="BRCA2 helical domain" ac="SSF81872">
<entry type="DOMAIN" name="BRCA2_hlx" desc="Breast cancer type 2 susceptibility protein, helical domain" ac="IPR015252">
<go-xref category="BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS" name="double-strand break repair via homologous recombination" id="GO:0000724" db="GO"/>
<go-xref category="MOLECULAR_FUNCTION" name="single-stranded DNA binding" id="GO:0003697" db="GO"/>
<go-xref category="BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS" name="DNA recombination" id="GO:0006310" db="GO"/>
<model name="BRCA2 helical domain" ac="0039279"/>
<model name="BRCA2 helical domain" ac="0040951"/>
<signature-library-release version="1.75" library="SUPERFAMILY"/>
<superfamilyhmmer3-location end="2668" start="2479"/>
<signature ac="cd08964" desc="L-asparaginase_II" name="L-asparaginase_II">
<model ac="cd08964" desc="L-asparaginase_II" name="L-asparaginase_II"/>
<signature-library-release library="CDD" version="3.14"/>
<rpsblast-location evalue="8.66035E-152" score="433.09" start="50" end="364">
<rpsblast-site description="homotetramer interface" numLocations="51">
<site-location residue="Y" start="271" end="271"/>
<site-location residue="R" start="246" end="246"/>
<site-location residue="Y" start="229" end="229"/>
The XML Schema Definition¶
The XML Schema Definition (XSD) is available here.
Listed below are the XSD files for the InterProScan 5 XML output format (with the InterProScan release versions they apply to noted in brackets afterwards).
interproscan-model-4.6.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version 5.63-95.0 onwards)
interproscan-model-4.5.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version 5.51-85.0 to 5.62-94.0)
interproscan-model-3.0.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version 5.31-70.0 to 5.50-84.0)
interproscan-model-2.2.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version 5.28-67.0 to 5.30-69.0)
interproscan-model-2.1.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version 5.26-65.0 to 5.27-66.0)
interproscan-model-2.0.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version 5.21-60.0 to 5.25-64.0)
interproscan-model-1.4.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 in version 5.20-59.0 only)
interproscan-model-1.3.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 in version 5.19-58.0 only)
interproscan-model-1.2.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version 5.17-56.0 to 5.18-57.0)
interproscan-model-1.1.xsd (as produced by InterProScan 5 from version RC7 to 5.16-55.0)
interproscan-model-1.0.xsd (InterProScan 5 version RC1 to RC6)
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)¶
JSON representation of the matches - an alternative to XML format. As new releases are made public, the changes to the expected JSON format are documented in Change log for InterProScan JSON output format.
Example output¶
"interproscan-version": "5.26-65.0",
"results": [{
"md5" : "88d47cc807fe8e977130b0cc93e0bd61",
"matches" : [ {
"signature" : {
"accession" : "PIRSF038992",
"name" : "Aldolase_Ia",
"description" : null,
"type" : null,
"signatureLibraryRelease" : {
"library" : "PIRSF",
"version" : "3.01"
"models" : {
"PIRSF038992" : {
"accession" : "PIRSF038992",
"name" : "Aldolase_Ia",
"description" : null,
"key" : "PIRSF038992"
"entry" : {
"accession" : "IPR002915",
"name" : "DeoC/FbaB/lacD_aldolase",
"description" : "DeoC/FbaB/ lacD aldolase",
"type" : "FAMILY",
"goXRefs" : [ {
"identifier" : "GO:0016829",
"name" : "lyase activity",
"databaseName" : "GO",
} ],
"pathwayXRefs" : [ {
"identifier" : "R-HSA-71336",
"name" : "Pentose phosphate pathway (hexose monophosphate shunt)",
"databaseName" : "Reactome"
}, {
"identifier" : "R-HSA-6798695",
"name" : "Neutrophil degranulation",
"databaseName" : "Reactome"
} ]
"locations" : [ {
"start" : 1,
"end" : 265,
"hmmStart" : 2,
"hmmEnd" : 262,
"hmmBounds" : "INCOMPLETE",
"evalue" : 3.3E-94,
"score" : 302.6,
"envelopeStart" : 1,
"envelopeEnd" : 265
} ],
"evalue" : 3.0E-94,
"score" : 302.7
}, {
Generic Feature Format Version 3 (GFF3)¶
The GFF3 format is a flat tab-delimited file, which is much richer then the TSV output format. It allows you to trace back from matches to predicted proteins and to nucleic acid sequences. It also contains a FASTA format representation of the predicted protein sequences and their matches. You will find a documentation of all the columns and attributes used on http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml.
Please note in GFF3 sequence identifiers “…may contain any characters, but must escape any characters not in the set…” (1)
Example output¶
##gff-version 3
##feature-ontology http://song.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/song/ontology/sofa.obo?revision=1.269
##interproscan-version 5.26-65.0
##sequence-region AACH01000027 1 1347
AACH01000027 provided_by_user nucleic_acid 1 1347 . + . Name=AACH01000027;md5=b2a7416cb92565c004becb7510f46840;ID=AACH01000027
AACH01000027 getorf ORF 1 1347 . + . Name=AACH01000027.2_21;Target=pep_AACH01000027_1_1347 1 449;md5=b2a7416cb92565c004becb7510f46840;ID=orf_AACH01000027_1_1347
AACH01000027 getorf polypeptide 1 449 . + . md5=fd0743a673ac69fb6e5c67a48f264dd5;ID=pep_AACH01000027_1_1347
AACH01000027 Pfam protein_match 84 314 1.2E-45 + . Name=PF00696;signature_desc=Amino acid kinase family;Target=null 84 314;status=T;ID=match$8_84_314;Ontology_term="GO:0008652";date=15-04-2013;Dbxref="InterPro:IPR001048","Reactome:REACT_13"
##sequence-region 2